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Ellen Degeneres Apologizes To Dakota Johnson


Ellen DeGeneres Apologizes to Dakota Johnson

Johnson Confronts DeGeneres on Talk Show

Dakota Johnson appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in November 2019. During the interview, she confronted DeGeneres about a party invitation that she had not received. DeGeneres responded by saying that she had not invited Johnson to the party because she did not know her well. Johnson then said that she had met DeGeneres several times and that she was surprised that she had not been invited.

The interview clip quickly went viral, with many people praising Johnson for standing up to DeGeneres. DeGeneres has since apologized to Johnson, saying that she was "sorry for the way she handled the situation."

The incident has raised questions about DeGeneres's behavior towards others. Some have accused her of being rude and dismissive to guests on her show. Others have defended DeGeneres, saying that she is simply a private person who does not always feel comfortable interacting with strangers.


The Dakota Johnson incident has shed light on the importance of treating others with respect. It is important to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, regardless of their fame or status. We should all strive to be kind and compassionate to one another, even when we disagree with them.

