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Defining Borrowed Time


What is the Meaning of "Borrowed Time"?

Defining Borrowed Time

Borrowed time is an expression that refers to a period of time that is uncertain and usually limited. It is a situation in which something happens or continues beyond its expected or normal end.

Usage and Examples

The phrase "borrowed time" is often used in various contexts, including:

In medicine, borrowed time can refer to a patient's life expectancy that is extended beyond the initial prognosis.

In legal terms, borrowed time may refer to a period of time granted to a person who has broken the law, allowing them to avoid punishment or prosecution.

In a more general sense, borrowed time can refer to any situation where something or someone is allowed to continue or exist beyond its expected duration.

In the music video by Cueshé titled "Borrowed Time," the phrase is used to explore the concept of living on uncertain terms and facing the inevitable passage of time.

